Baby Panda Car Racing is a new installment in this series of games featuring an adorable panda and his friends. This time, you drive different cars to visit the panda's friends in their respective kingdoms, always bringing along a gift.
When you start the game, you'll see various islands where the panda's friends live. The bunny lives on an Easter-themed island, the penguin lives on an icy island, the monkey lives in a jungle, and so on. On each level (each of which represents a different island), you have to choose one of the available cars and gift packages. After that, the two pandas hop in the car and start to drive.
Along the way, you'll encounter various obstacles, objects, and other elements that will either help or hinder you. The car's controls, on the other hand, are pretty easy: with the right arrow, you go forward, and with the left arrow, you go back. When you arrive at your friend's house, you can give them the gift.
Baby Panda Car Racing is the perfect game for children, sure to keep them entertained as they explore the beautiful and varied worlds where all your animal friends live.